Lionsgate 88 Oil


Fire is the essence & elemental energy of the Sun Archetype: intense, creative, destructive, and passionate. It creates warmth, light, motion, and action. And like the sun, leads us through our day 🌞 Sun Archetypes are leaders, trailblazers & fire warriors who share their torch of transformation with the world. Ignite your glowing, bold, shining, beautiful side, and dip into all things sun-soul.

In Ancient Egypt, the rising of Sirius coincided with the flooding of the Nile. They viewed this as a gift of prosperity and fertility and revered Sirius so much, they even aligned their pyramids with its rising as well. While our Sun is responsible for beaming down life for our physical bodies, especially when it’s in its ruling sign of Leo, Sirius is responsible for beaming down life for our spiritual bodies. It can activate heart healings, the expansion of spiritual wisdom, and help us awaken to our true potential.

Using Lionsgate 88 Intention Oil, set an intention of how you wish to use this energy ⚑️ and then create a ritual or practice that allows you to harness and work with it β™₯️🌞

Good luck
