April 2022: Aries New Moon

a gif with a blue background and white aries symbol

On April 1st at 2:24EST, we’re being offered a moment for release and new beginnings! To work with the optimal energy of this New Moon, you want to start your ritual work on the night of March 31st and work until April 2nd. As we’ve just ushered in the Spring Equinox, we get a second chance at revival, with the renewal of the zodiac calendar, with the Aries New Moon. This is going to be the absolute best time for us all to take a seat and think about all the new beginnings and experiences we want to see in 2022.

During a New Moon. the Sun and Moon join together forming a symbolic moment of renewal, the planting of a seed. Because the Moon is so close to the Sun during a New Moon, its light is gone from the sky. WE’re left in the dark, symbolic of a fresh beginning. This New Moon in particular plants its seed with Chiro. Chiron is a small planet discovered in 1977, and represents the archetype of the “Wounded Healer”. It’s associated with shamanism and going deep within to heal oneself. Chiron’s position in one’s chart reveals where one has been wounded, and where there is opportunity for healing. Its position by house and sign can show you where you have talent and access to ancient wisdom.

As the bridge in this New Moon, Chiron helps us to shift to a higher state of consciousness, allowing us to move from one state of awareness to the next. This would be a great time to acknowledge the wounds we’ve endured, make pease with them and uncover ways to use that newfound peace and find compassion for the suffering of others.

Use the days leading up to the New Moon for release work, getting rid of any junk and unwanted energy you may be harboring. Ask yourself - What seeds are you trying to plant? What do you need to let go of in order for those seeds to grow? This is your opportunity to let go of all the things holding you back and put a new foot forward. The days/hours after the New Moon are excellent for setting goals and manifesting.

all about aries

Aries energy tends to be energetic, forceful and outgoing. It’s good for getting things done, although this energy doesn’t necessarily help with finishing those tasks. Like the energy of the first rush of spring, Aries moves into the world in a headstrong, pioneering way. People with prominent Aries energy in their charts are likely to rush into things before reflecting, and may also be impatient or unwilling to sit back and allow events to mature. They have great vitality and a tremendous need to be physically active.

Aries people have a strong will, and are self-centered about pursuing it, so that they may try to dominate other people until they learn to be more subtle about getting their way. They also have an acute need for love and affection. Aries people benefit from self-discipline, so that they can channel their abundant energy more constructively.

The element related to Aries is Fire so candle work will be huge with this New Moon.

Aries is ruled by Mars.

Mars is the planet of outward activity and animal passion. It rules Aries and is exalted in Capricorn. This fiery planet is masculine in action, versus the softer more receptive Venus. When strong in the chart, it can indicate a volatile temper, and also great courage. Its position indicates how your personality will assert itself, and what modes of activity will stimulate your physical energies.

Organs influenced by Aries: Head, teeth, tongue, striated muscles, penis, reproductive system, gall bladder, arteries, blood.

These organs are now more sensitive so exercise extra care with them.


Symbols can be a powerful way to connect to the energy of the moon. Incorporate anything that symbolizes strength, courage, renewal or victory. Below are some suggestions of Mars and Moon symbols you can incorporate in your alter and ritual work.

  • Anything round and/or reflective

  • water from a river, lake or beach. If it happens to rain right before or during the new moon, try to catch as much as you can

  • saltwater in a bowl

  • milk (for the Moon)

  • anything representative of fire to honor the fire element of Aries - matches, sparklers, cauldrons, candles

  • rams horns

  • sharks teeth

herbs & flowers

Mars herbs supply an expansive amount of energy to projects and health. They give independence and assertiveness and stimulate passions. Mars herbs protect and deflect negative energies. When mixed with other planetary herbs, they lend their immense vitality to the other planets energies, making the whole stronger.

Below are Mars and Moon herbs you can use during your Aries New Moon work this weekend! Gravitate towards flowers and herbs that are red in nature.







red sandalwood


*Irritating to the skin and or mucus membranes. Also indicates an herb many people have an allergy too.

If you’re also working with essential oils use cinnamon and jasmine essential oils. Using sacred smoke is also very important! Gravitate towards dragons blood, pepper (Mars) and jasmine or myrrh (Moon) to incorporate sacred smoke into your ritual and connect with this Aries energy.

crystal work

Crystals, stones and metals can magnify the energy around your work, which is why it’s essential that you keep your crystals cleansed and activated on a daily basis. There are many cleansing practices you can use, but the most effective techniques that work great for me are: moonlight and sunlight, incense or palo santo smoke, and powerful purifying stones like Selenite.





phantom quartz




red jasper

workings & inner reflection

Before you start any ritual, it’s important to cleanse. Cleanse your body with a mindful bath or shower. If you’re short on time, washing your hands and brushing your teeth is okay. Don’t forget to cleanse your ritual space and set your altar. It's normal to want to stay in your comfort zone. It's perfect place for you to feel safe, content, and secure. But staying in that comfort zone really does put you in a box and smothers your creative potential. Boxes are small and restrictive; they prevent you from growing and expanding.

There is great power in utilizing the New Moon and its beautiful energy. Committing to your goals and dreams and staying in touch with your feminine energy. Use this ritual during any New Moon, but especially during the Aries New Moon to jumpstart your magic this year.


  • New Moon Intentions Sheet

  • Metallic silver pen or marker (silver is linked to the moon)

  • 1 blue pen (blue is the color of truth)

  • 1 Phantom Quartz point - for growth and evolution

  • 4 Lemurian Crystals - to represent the planting of seeds, your wishes and dreams

  • 1 Clear Quartz Crystal point or wand to activate your New Moon Grid

  • sage or palo santo


1. Sage your environment, and cleanse your crystals.

2. Take time to meditate and answer/reflect on the journal prompts (below).

2. Hold the crystals in your hands, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: "I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command these crystals to hold the intention of my infinite potential. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

IMPORTANT: Visit How to Call in the Directions & Honor Your Ancestors blog, to invite the 4 cardinal directions and honorable ancestors into your space and ritual.

3. Grab your New Moon Intentions Sheet, silver pen, blue pen, and crystals, and find a comfortable environment where you can sit. Sit outside under the moon if you can.

4. With your silver pen, go over the outline of the circle and the four Moons on your sheet. If you don’t have a printer, draw the circle and moons on a blank sheet of paper.

5. With your blue pen, write up to 10 wishes inside the circle. Start with "Dear _____, [whatever fits with your belief - i.e: God, Higher Source, Angels, Guides, or a similar entity]." Then list your wishes. It's very important to write your wishes and intentions within 24 hours of the specific time that the New Moon starts.

OPTIONAL: Decorate your New Moon Intentions Sheet in whatever way you'd like. You can add colors or drawings inside or outside the circle, but your words must remain within the circle.

6. Add your signature and date at the bottom of the sheet as indicated.

7. Say "thank you" aloud and write it under your signature three times to emphasize that what you're asking for already exists in the universe.

8. Fold your Sheet toward you, in half once and then in half a second time.

9. Place your intentions in an area where they can remain undisturbed for 28 days, the entire Moon cycle.

10. Place your Phantom Quartz point in the center on top of your folded New Moon Intentions Sheet. With the points facing outward, place the four Lemurian crystals around the Phantom Quartz at the 4 directions - north, south, east, and west.

11. Take your Clear Quartz point or wand and draw an invisible line starting with the Phantom Quartz and moving to all four Lemurian Seed crystals until you have energetically connected them all. Think of it as connecting the dots.

12. Leave your New Moon Intentions grid undisturbed for 28 days. At the end of the 28 days, on the night before the next New Moon, remove your crystals, and open your sheet. Reflect on your intentions and wishes, seeing which ones have manifested and which ones still need time to seed. Transfer those New Moon wishes to your next month's New Moon intentions.

13. Cleanse your crystals, and repeat this ritual as often as you'd like to be in alignment with the Moon cycle, always remembering to start at the New Moon.

journal prompts

How do you define integrity and accountability when it comes to your own self, your own life, and your own goals? How could protecting your time and energy be a form of self-love? What boundaries do you need to set to do so?

What writing, learning, communication, or neighborhood projects are you initiating with this New Moon in Aries? How do you hope they will develop over the next six months? How are you called to be more bold or brave in your daily exchanges?

What wisdom find its way to you through your every day rituals or exchanges? What tarot pull or synchronicity is stirring your imagination right now? How easy is it for you to trust your instincts before you analyze them?


AJNA: The Third Eye Chakra


March 2022: Virgo Full Moon