March 2022: Virgo Full Moon

How does perfectionism play a role in your life? Are you letting it get in your way, stopping you from completing goals, tasks or projects? Does it get in the way of your relationships? Perfectionism is the belief that if we do things perfectly or look perfect, we’ll avoid the pain that comes with blame, judgment, and shame.

On March 18th, at 3:18am EST, the Virgo Full Moon blesses us and asks us to look at our relationship with perfectionism and how it plays a role in our progression or lack thereof. Full moons are the perfect time to take a step back, look deep within and release any habits, thought patterns or beliefs that hinder our growth in this lifetime.

Use this Virgo full moon to check in with your self-worth as well. How are you showing up for yourself and living your life authentically? What ways can you start showing up for yourself and acknowledging the things you deserve to have in life?

all about virgo

Virgo people tend to be very conscious of details. They may appear nervous or obsess over health issues. They’re likely to be neat and orderly, at least in specific areas of their life, although that can be the opposite in cases when they’ve not yet found their guiding principle of organization.

Virgos love to be in service to others and the gathering of the fruits of the material world, as symbolized by the harvest. They’re great conversationalists with a wide range of knowledge and interesting ideas. They can be analytical and overly fond of detail, with perfectionist tendencies. They sometimes miss out on the bigger picture focusing too much on the micro details. It’s important for Virgos to understand the fine line between discrimination and criticism.

A Virgo’s mission in life is the purification of their activity in pursuit of their goals, manifesting their inherent love of excellence in all their strivings.

Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury.

Mercury represents the mind and intellect, and rules Gemini, sign of duality and has its exaltation an Aquarius. Mercury is an airy planet, associated with all forms of communication and the inflow and outflow of intelligence. Its position indicates how your mental function will be expressed, and where techniques and skills are available to you.

herbs & flowers

Mercury herbs facilitate clear thinking and communication. They aid in business success in recovery from illness. Mercurial herbs enabled the conscious mind to communicate more easily but the subconscious, bus eating psychic work with the tarot or any other divination systems that visually incorporate symbols.

Below are Mercurial and Moon herbs you can use during your Virgo Full Moon work this weekend!

If you’re also working with essential oils use cinnamon and lavender essential oils. Using sacred smoke is also very important! Gravitate towards frankincense, clove (Mercury) and jasmine or myrrh (Moon) to incorporate sacred smoke into your ritual and connect with this Virgo energy.

crystal work

A Pisces gemstone magnifies all the energy around it, which is why it’s essential that you keep your crystals cleansed and activated on a daily basis. There are many cleansing practices you can use, but the most effective techniques that work great for me are: moonlight and sunlight, incense or palo santo smoke, and powerful purifying stones like Selenite.



green tourmaline

smoky quartz




yellow jasper

workings & inner reflection

Before you start any ritual, it’s important to cleanse. Cleanse your body with a mindful bath or shower. If you’re short on time, washing your hands and brushing your teeth is okay. Don’t forget to cleanse your ritual space and set your altar. It's normal to want to stay in your comfort zone. It's perfect place for you to feel safe, content, and secure. But staying in that comfort zone really does put you in a box and smothers your creative potential. Boxes are small and restrictive; they prevent you from growing and expanding.

If you long for more creativity, ask yourself, Am I living my life constrained in a box? If the answer is yes, this is your wake-up call. It's time to mentally, physically, and emotionally leave your comfort zone behind so you can enter into a new space of creative brilliance. The act of physically cutting open a box reprograms your mind so that you can access the limitless possibilities of the universe.


  • 1 box - a shoebox, cereal box or any type of box will do!

  • 1 pair of scissors

  • 1 black marker

  • 1 Clear Quartz point or crystal (for growth, expansion, and unlimited potential)

  • 1 gold metallic pen that can be used to write on your crystal

  • sage stick

  • abalone shell of fireproof container to catch sage ashes


1. Sage your designated space, and cleanse your crystal (page 22).

2. Use your scissors to cut the box open until it's completely flat and you can see the whole interior.

3. Using the black marker, write all over the inside of your box with words, phrases, and pictures that represent your fears, regrets, limiting thoughts, or anything you feel holds you back from reaching your creative potential.

4. When you've written everything you want to include, tear up the box, and throw it away. By throwing away the box, you energetically release your self-imposed limitations and make space for the creativity you desire.

5. Hold the Clear Quartz point in your hands, close your eyes, and 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: "I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command this crystal to hold the intention of creativity, inspiration, and expansion. I release any limitations that surround me. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

6. Using the gold metallic pen, write words on each side of the Clear Quartz point that represent what you wish to expand, create, or shift into. This pro grams your point to hold these energies for you as you make your shift.

7. Place your Clear Quartz point on a table next to your bed, and allow its energy to work with you as you sleep. Every morning when you wake up, you'll see it and be reminded to live your life expanding outside the box.

journal prompts

What collaboration, bid for funding, or grief process did you initiate six months ago, which is reaching a vital stage of its growth? What is one inner or outer resource that empowers you to work on your mental health? How are you using it?

How are you inspired to defy or redefine beauty norms, body norms, gender norms, family norms or any norm at all? What feelings come up in the process? How can you celebrate the glorious weirdo within?

As we approach that time of the year were day equals night, what areas of life feel well-balanced for you and what needs more adjusting? What excites you right now, and how can you follow this energy


April 2022: Aries New Moon


The Doctrine of Signatures