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 Invite Reiki to bless and empower your goals. Your imagination and daydreams of what you want to be, what you want to do and have become even stronger attractors when blessed with Reiki. Here are steps you can follow to infuse your goals and intentions with Reiki. If you are not Reiki attuned, tap into your personal power to help you tap into manifestation energy.

  1. Decide what it is that you want and when, where and with whom you want it. Do not specify any other people in this process unless you have their permission and co-operation. State it in the positive (what you want, not what you don't want). Ask yourself: "How will I know when I've got it? What's important to me about having/doing/being this?" Make sure it's important to you.

  2. Vividly imagine having what you want as if you were experiencing it now, through have necessary, make adjustments (e.g. bigger internal pictures with more light and colours, more sound etc.) until it feels great. Make sure you're congruent about having what you want. In case there were any objections, find their message and their highest intention and integrate these into what it is that you want. Again, make adjustments if necessary.

  3. While in this "as if now" state, consider the effects and consequences of fully having what you want, whate, consist the enth and consequences of other areas of your life, on the planet? Is it totally O.K. to have things this way?

  4. Step outside of that future you and look at yourself within that future scene like a compassionate observer would. Send both Master symbols and any other intuited symbols into that future scene of you fully having what you want. Allow Reiki to bless and empower that "future you" who has/is/does what you want.

  5. Draw Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen as a bridge over space and time 5 between you now and that "future you" you're about to become across this bridge of Reiki (and you may be consciously or unconsciously aware of all the following, allow all the knowledge about the steps it took to get there and all the other resources that caused you to get there to come to you across this Reiki bridge and take them inside so that they are available to you now. disusumbor

  6. Expect with serenity to get what you want. Trust the Universe and be warned: things often turn out much better when you trust, much better than you could have imagined at the time.

  7. Be prepared to recognise and notice when you've got what you wanted. Ask yourself again: "How will I know when I've got it? What's important to me about having/doing/being this?" This allows you to recognise every way in which what you want manifests itself. Always give thanks to the Universe, yourself and Reiki for the achievement of your goals.