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March 2022: pisces new moon

The Pisces New Moon sits at the top of the month, on March 2nd, 2022. This New Moon is going to ask us to sit with our shadow self and our darkness and try to take step towards integration, acceptance, balance and love.

Your darkness is also a great space to tap into for creation and manifestation so use this Pisces New Moon to clear out some things and make space for new things you’d like to call in.

If you’d like to spice up your ritual and candle work with this New Moon, scroll down to see what herbs, flowers & crystals you can use to empower your work.

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Pisceans are super friendly and likable people. Don’t let that fool you though. They can be very moody and introspective beings as well. A water sign, Pisces are concerned with subtle emotional and secret mystical depths. They most of the time, feel more at home deep within. Dreamy and imaginative, they are influenced by everything around them. Many find they have empathic tendencies, being sensitive to the emotions of others. There is an artistic side to Pisces, which allows them to use those skills to help express all the feelings they experience in creative and innovative ways.

Pisces is ruled by both Neptune and Jupiter.

Neptune is highly compassionate, idealistic and imaginative. Neptune rules Pisces and is exalted in Cancer. Its position in your chat indicates where there may be confusion and also great creativity in poetic or musical fields.

Jupiter is the plant of faith, positivism and optimism. It represents the principle of expansion and the aspirations of the higher or spirit Self. Its position in your chart indicates how your faith will be expressed, and what modes of activity will stimulate self-confidence.

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Neptune herbs are the herbs of the mystic and are useful in dreamwork, intensifying the imagination in order to lead to good ideas and concepts far beyond the physical realm. These herbs are useful for those who are developing telepathy and the ability to astral project.

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Jupiter herbs are expansive! They call in spiritual and material growth and are good for balancing health matters. These herbs will help expand the mind, allowing for mental understanding of the Universe.

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If you’re also working with essential oils, I suggest neroli and amber! Mugwort is not only a Neptunian herb but is also a great herb to use when working with the Moon. Be sure to incorporate this herb into any workings you do. Use jasmine, myrrh, nutmeg or clove incense to incorporate sacred smoke into your ritual and connect with Pisces energy.

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A Pisces gemstone magnifies all the energy around it, which is why it’s essential that you keep your crystals cleansed and activated on a daily basis. There are many cleansing practices you can use, but the most effective techniques that work great for me are: moonlight and sunlight, incense or palo santo smoke, and powerful purifying stones like Selenite.

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Once you’re able to accept and integrate both parts of who you are, you can begin to heal from the inside out and find your true self. This ritual can be used to examine your light and shadow side and then find neutrality between them.

You'll make a list of all the things in your life that constitute your light side-what you like about being you. This list is a visual reminder for you to respect and honor the characteristics that make you magnificent.

The next list you'll make consists of the things you want to work on within yourself, your shadow side. It's meant to be an honest self reflection, not self-loathing. Everyone has lessons to work on in life. That's our job in each lifetime until we learn full integration and acceptance of all selves.

The third list you'll make will allow you to look at both your light and shadow characteristics, and think about what can be shifted to bring more balance into your life.

You always have the choice to evolve. You decide which parts of yourself you want to feed, and which parts you want to face head-on. and conquer. Know that it will be a lifelong, ever-evolving journey to balance your light and shadow sides.


  • Zebra Jasper crystal, which carries a balanced, yin and yang energy, coexisting

  • blue pen. Blue is the color of truth. It's believed that you're more likely to retain information when you write with blue ink

  • a journal or three pieces of paper

  • sage and/or palo santo

  • abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from sage and/or palo santo


1. Sage your yourself, environment, and cleanse your crystals. If you are reiki attuned, spend 3-5 minutes doing self-reiki work.

2. Hold the Zebra Jasper crystal in your hands, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Send reiki to this crystal. Aloud or in your head, say the following: "I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command this crystal to bold the intention of truth, objectivity, and neutrality. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

3. Hold the Zebra Jasper crystal in your non-writing hand. Look at the black and white pattern. Notice how the colors coexist, mirroring how light and shadow exist both in the world and within you. While looking at the crystal, start to make a "light list" with your other hand, of all the things that represent the light within you.

4. Make a shadow list of all the things that you would like to work on within yourself.

5. Look at your light and shadow lists, and reflect on how you can shift to achieve more neutrality within yourself.

6. Make a third list of what you can do that will bring more balance into your life that it isn't always black or white.

7. Once a week for 4 weeks, repeat steps 2 through 6.

8. At the end of 4 weeks, compare the data you compiled about yourself. See if your lists have evolved.

9. Keep the crystal in a place where you can see it or hold it whenever you want. Your crystal is a symbolic reminder of the balance you wish to hold within yourself.

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