Crystal Conversations | Clear Quartz


The most versatile and multi-dimensional stone of the group, Clear Quartz, the Amplifier!

The key properties of a Clear Quartz stone are: energy/intention amplification, programmability and memory. For those, like myself, who love to adorn themselves with crystals on a day to day basis, clear quartz is a fabulous stone to have around. Wearing, carrying or meditating with quartz crystal will heighten your spiritual awareness.

Use Quartz crystal to meditate and/or set intentions with, and to help bring you clarity of mind, eliminate any blockages and allow energy to flow smoothly within you.

This all-encompassing, healing crystal has virtually all the metaphysical purposes you can think of:

↠ healing          ↠ chakra opening           ↠ meditation enhancement          
↠ attracting and sending out love ↠ consciousness expansion     
↠ communication with guides      ↠ dream enhancement     ↠ generating prosperity  


Because it can expand consciousness, it will facilitate open communication and chakra stimulation, which leads us right into our next topic, CHAKRAS! Since Clear Quartz is bomb AF, it can connect to ALL the chakras, but essentially, quartz crystal is best when used with the Crown Chakra. The Crown Chakra is the energy center of our thoughts and Quartz will open your mind and alieviate any negative perspectives you might be having and will flip the script and turn it into a positive point of view. 

If you choose to mediate with quartz crystal, hold it in the palms of your hands or above you at your crown chakra. State a mantra to solidify your intention like, “I am crystal clear on my intentions and goals". You can also place your quartz crystal on your third eye point to establish clarity and ease of flow to the crown chakra. 


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Crystal Conversations | Black Tourmaline